Your Group can

Make a Difference.

Churches, Businesses, Boy & Girl Scout Troops, Rotary Clubs, School Clubs, Small Groups, Sports Teams, Homeschool Groups, Sunday School Classes…

Everyone Can Do Something.

Ways Your Group Can Help:


Plan a Work Day

Whether it’s cleaning, sorting, building or painting, there is always work to be done around our Resource Center. Coordinate a work day for your group to come and serve.


Host a Freezer Meal Party

Gather your group for a night to prep, fully cook, and package to freeze several meals for our families. These meals will be given to families in the first few days of a placement to make life a little easier as they adjust to their new normal. We will provide a list of several recipes to choose from and you do the cooking!

Host a Supply Drive

We are constantly in need of supplies for the families that we serve. Choose an item to collect on our behalf at your next group meeting or as a service project for your school group. Some items of greatest need include: new pajamas, new socks & underwear, new shoes, toiletries, diapers/ pull ups & wipes, new blankets & stuffed animals, and formula.


Host a Fundraiser

Be the Village is driven by donations and volunteers. Your financial donation makes all that we do possible. Host a “Jeans” day at your work place, have a yard sale or bake sale, pie your boss in the face, or anything else you can come up with, and donate the money to Be the Village.

Request a Speaker

Our passion is mobilizing churches and the community to serve kids from hard places. We would love to speak to your church or group about the work of Be the Village and the need of kids in Kentucky. To get the conversation started, send us a message and we will discuss the details.