Equip Support Connect

Everyone needs family. Friends. Relatives. Fellow Christians. Neighbors. Whatever their connection to us, when we have people who love, support, and respect us unconditionally — who never leave us behind — we can thrive.

Family begins with Christ. When we were our most vulnerable, He came into our brokenness to love us, to make us His family. We believe in loving foster children and their families with the same heart by wrapping around them and being the hands and feet of Christ.

Be the Village exists to wrap around foster, adoptive, and at-risk families, equipping them to be a refuge to vulnerable children, providing ongoing support, and connecting them to each other.

What We Believe.


We all have a role in caring for and supporting foster families. Everyone can do something. 


The church should lead the way in providing refuge for foster and adoptive children. The heart of God is for adoption and caring for vulnerable children.


Children in care, frontline families, birth parents, and government workers should all be treated with dignity.

Children from hard places thrive when their caregivers are trauma-informed. 

Families thrive best when cared for as a collective unit: parents, biological children, and foster/adoptive children.

What We Do.


Be the Village Resource Center.

Our Resource Center houses our Village Closet that supplies new placements with supplies, but it also provides a place for visitations, small trainings, a sensory friendly playroom, and soon to house our safe haven room for overnight accommodations for children without placement.


Care Packs.

Every placement entering foster or relative care, as well as every reunifying family are eligible for Care Packs which include: clothing, toiletries, comfort items, & a bible. Placements can also request a new carseat or bed when needed.

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The Gathering.

The Gathering is a monthly event for foster, adoptive, & kinship families to connect, learn a tool to help them on their journey, and be discipled with a curriculum written especially for frontline families. We also provide childcare and dinner during the gathering.


Family Fun Days

We host family fun days twice a year for foster and adoptive families to make memories and connect with other frontline families.

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Trauma-Informed Training

We offer various trauma informed trainings and simulcasts for caregivers, teachers, & children’s ministry staff.

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Dwell Retreat for Foster & Adoptive Moms

Coming fall of 2021, Be the Village will host an annual retreat at the Boone Tavern for foster and adoptive moms filled with biblical teaching and worship for moms on the frontlines.


Mobilizing Christ Followers.

We offer foster care interest events, one-on-one consultations, volunteer info nights, and other events to mobilize to get involved with Foster Care and Adoption on the level that God is calling them.